Music Ministry encompasses planning, preparing, and providing music for all liturgies in our parish. Currently, we enjoy the service of a Children's Choir (Grades 1-6), Youth Choir (Grades 7-12), a Sunday Choir (everybody else), a contemporary ensemble, and a Resurrection Choir (for funeral liturgies).
The Children's Choir practices weekly throughout the school year to provide music leadership at approximately one Mass per month plus special times of the year (i.e., Christmas, Easter, First Communion). The Youth Choir also practices weekly throughout the school year and provides music at approximately one Mass per month plus special times (i.e., Christmas, Easter, Deanery Youth Mass, Senior Mass).
The Sunday Choir practices weekly from September to May and leads our parish in music almost every Sunday throughout the calendar year. The contemporary ensemble practices once a month and leads the music at one Mass per month throughout the year. The Resurrection Choir practices as needed and provides music at funeral liturgies.
From the above information, one can see that the parishioners at St. Mary's Navilleton Church live the choir motto, "There's a place for all God's critters in the choir." We continuously invite and welcome parishioners and friends of all ages to participate in the music aspect of our parish life. Play an instrument? There's a place for you. You sing solo? There's a place for you. You don't sing solo? There's a place for you. It's hard to commit every single week? There's a place for you. You love to sing, but...? There's a place for you. You're still not sure? There's a place for you.
The celebration of the Eucharist is enhanced by the participation of the assembly and the music we sing and pray. Music is a vital and vibrant part of Eucharistic celebration - any celebration - and you can make our music better with your participation - from the choir loft or from the pew. Encourage young people to sing. Encourage each other to sing. God loves to hear our voices in rhythm and melody. We make it strong by singing and praying together.
Call Susie Naville (923-7173) to see how your voice of song or your instrument of music can make a difference - a real difference in the prayer and worship at our liturgies.