Spiritual Life
The spiritual life of the parish assists the pastor and the pastoral council to enable, promote and support the parish's continued growth as a faith community. The other responsibilities are assessing the effectiveness of all present programs and organizations in deepening the spirituality of the parish community; oversees and evaluates the liturgical life of the parish community; assesses the liturgical needs of the parish; participates in planning and preparing parish liturgies, promotes fidelity to church norms and implementing archdiocesan policies with respect to sacramental rites; provides opportunties for spiritual growth of parish groups - councils, committees and organizations; encourage prayer and reflection groups in the parish; coordinates parish retreats and renewal programs; promotes, supports, and aids implementation of evangelization programs, ecumenical activities and vocational awareness programs within the parish.
What we would like to do:
1. Find ways to aid the parish community for on-going spiritual growth and renewal
2. Give Guidance to the Parish Prayer Chain for the needs of parishioners
3. Provide on-going care and formation for the liturgical ministries
- extraordinary ministers of Holy communion
- alter server ministry
- music ministry
- lector ministry
- sacristan ministry
- greetery/usher minsitry
- choir
- guitar choir
4. Develop a vocation committee to promote, to educate, to invite parishioners to ministry in the Catholic Church:
- diocesan preisthood/deaconate
- religious life
- missionaries
- ecclesial lay ministry
5. Look for opportunties to collaborate with other neighboring parishes in providing for preached parish missions
6. Encourage the participation of the parish in ecumenical activities and prayer opportunities to pray with other faith communities
7. Develop liturgical planning teams & Church decoration teams for the liturgical seasons
8. Promote Parish renewal programs e.g. Christ Renews His Parish, Cursillo, monthly nocturnal adoration of he Eucharist